ART TAIPEI 2023 台北國際藝術博覽會

Oct 19 - 23, 2023 
大河美術將參展 2023 台北國際藝術博覽會,帶來 8 位藝術家的精選創作,包含今年最具話題的四位海外華人藝術家、風格各異的三位當代中國女性藝術家,以及最受矚目的獨家代理雕塑家王尋。藝術家們將共同在當代多元的藝術對話場域中,進行感官體驗的解構、色彩象徵意義的剖析與深度議題的探討。誠摯邀請您參與這場年度藝術盛會!
RIVER ART GALLERY will participate in the ART TAIPEI 2023 and showcase a curated selection of works by eight artists, including four of the most talked-about overseas Chinese artists this year, three contemporary Chinese female artists with diverse styles, and the highly anticipated exclusive representative sculptor, Xun WANG. Together, these artists will engage in a rich dialogue within the contemporary and diverse art landscape, deconstructing sensory experiences, analyzing the symbolic meanings of colors, and delving into profound artistic themes. We sincerely invite you to join us at this annual art feast!


參展藝術家 Participating Artists
Jess Xiaoyi Han 韓瀟依

Lili Lee
Nianxin Li 李念昕
Tessar Lo
Timothy Bair
Xinyan Zhang 張新顏
Xun Wang 王尋
Yi-Shuan Lee 李奕諠

展覽地點 Venue
Hall 1, Taipei World Trade Center
展位 Booth: H24

尊榮貴賓預展 SVIP Preview
10/19 (四 Thu) 12:00-21:00

貴賓預展 VIP Preview
10/19 (四 Thu) 15:00-21:00
10/20 (五 Fri) 11:00-14:00

公眾展期 Public Opening
10/20 (五 Fri) 14:00-19:00
10/21 (六 Sat) 11:00-19:00
10/22 (日 Sun) 11:00-19:00
10/23 (一 Mon) 11:00-18:00

大會官網 Official Website

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