ONE ART TAIPEI 2024 藝術台北

Jan 26 - 28, 2024 
大河美術將參展《ONE ART TAIPEI 2024 藝術台北》,帶來7位藝術家的精選創作,包含於去年台北藝博引起關注的三位海外華人藝術家、三位風格多元且具有潛力的當代中國、越南藝術家,以及今年底即將舉辦個展的獨家代理雕塑家王尋。希望透過藝術家的創作,讓更多人看見多元的當代藝術風格,勾起大眾感知,並增進與其他國家於當代藝術的連結互動。誠摯邀請您參與這場年度藝術盛會!
RIVER ART GALLERY will participate in ONE ART TAIPEI 2024, featuring curated works by seven artists. The selection includes three overseas Chinese artists who gained attention at ART TAIPEI last year, as well as three contemporary artists from China and Vietnam, each with diverse and warm styles, and the exclusive representative sculptor Xun Wang, who will have a solo show later this year. Through the creations of these artists, we hope to show a diverse range of contemporary art styles, stimulate public perception, and enhance connections and interactions with other countries in the realm of contemporary art. We sincerely invite you to join this annual art feast!


參展藝術家 Participating Artists
Lili Lee
Tessar Lo
Timothy Bair
Wei Zhao 趙唯
Xinyan Zhang 張新顏
Xun Wang 王尋


☞ 展覽地點 Venue
Hotel Metropolitan Premier Taipei
展間 Room 1301


☞ 展覽地址 Address
No. 133, Sec.3, Nanjing E. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan


☞ 藏家預展 Collector Preview
1/26 (五 Fri) 11:00-19:00


☞ 貴賓預展 VIP Preview
1/26 (五 Fri) 14:00-19:00


☞ 公眾展期 Public Days
1/27 (六 Sat) 11:00-19:00
1/28 (日 Sun) 11:00-19:00


大會官網 Official Website

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