2024 TAIPEI DANGDAI 台北當代藝術博覽會: Tessar Lo Solo Exhibition

May 9 - 12, 2024 
循此復甦之路前行,大河美術將於《2024 TAIPEI DANGDAI 台北當代藝術博覽會》帶來加拿大籍印尼華裔藝術家 Tessar Lo 的作品,延續2023年底藝廊為其於亞洲所舉辦的第一檔個展《tangere》。在多元文化背景中成長的他,試圖連結自己與身處這些環境經歷的持續性對話,而亞洲對其而言更是有著相當特殊的意義。本次參展,除了關注於藝術家的自我省思,以及人們在過往這段世界動盪影響至深的階段,如何找到心靈歇息的落腳。
Tessar Lo 擅長各種媒材,將新舊流行文化符號拆解重組,元素多使用日常平凡物件來構築詼諧感性且神祕的畫面,著重探討其內在的解構,減少作品晦澀艱深之感,用純粹的媒材與主題來跟作品進行大量的對話,讓觀者能夠輕易地進入這樣的意識維度,傳遞共感記憶。期待帶給觀者更多的啟發省思,以及如何在面對變化快速的當代世界中,建構平衡復甦的心靈房間。
In the post-pandemic era, there is a global focus on the reawakening that follows across industries. Simultaneously, the accumulated energy from the recent past becomes a crucial factor in opening a new chapter after growth and transformation. This 'reawakening' is not just about the revival of everything: it is an awakening of consciousness after tumultuous times and the accumulation of experiences.
On this path of “reawakening,” RIVER ART GALLERY will present works by Tessar Lo, a Chinese-Indonesian Canadian artist, at the “2024 Taipei Dangdai Art Fair.” This follows the gallery's first solo exhibition for Tessar Lo in Asia, titled “tangere,” held at the end of 2023. In this exhibition, besides focusing on the artist's introspection, it also explores how people, amidst the profound impacts of the global upheavals, can find a place for spiritual repose.
Tessar Lo excels in working with various media, dismantling and reassembling symbols of both new and old pop culture. He often employs mundane objects to construct humorous, enigmatic scenes, focusing on deconstructing and reconstructing internal narratives. His aim is to lessen the opacity of art, engaging in extensive conversations with his works through pure mediums and themes, making it easy for viewers to enter this dimension of consciousness and convey shared memories. We anticipate providing viewers with more inspiration for reflection and how to construct a balanced and rejuvenating mental space in the rapidly changing contemporary world.

展位 Booth

☞ 展覽地點 Venue
Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1, 4F

☞ 貴賓預展 VIP Preview
5/9 (四 Thu) 14:00-17:00

☞ 預展開幕夜 Vernissage
5/9 (四 Thu) 17:00-20:00

☞ 公眾展期 Public Opening
5/10 (五 Fri) 11:00-18:00
5/11 (六 Sat) 11:00-18:00
5/12 (日 Sun) 11:00-17:30

☞ 大會官網 Official Website

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