ART TAIPEI 2024 台北國際藝術博覽會: Xun Wang Sculpture Exhibition 王尋雕塑展

Oct 24 - 28, 2024 
☞ 參展藝術家 Artists
王尋 Xun Wang
☞ 展覽地點 Venue

Hall 1, Taipei World Trade Center
展位 Booth: D03

☞ 尊榮貴賓預展 SVIP Preview
10/24 (四 Thu) 12:00-21:00

☞ 貴賓預展 VIP Preview
10/24 (四 Thu) 15:00-21:00
10/25 (五 Fri) 11:00-14:00

☞ 公眾展期 Public Opening
10/25 (五 Fri) 14:00-19:00
10/26 (六 Sat) 11:00-19:00
10/27 (日 Sun) 11:00-19:00
10/28 (一 Mon) 11:00-18:00

☞ 簡介 Introduction
王尋為美籍臺裔,1962年生於臺灣,1989年畢業於國立臺灣藝術大學雕塑系,1995年取得紐約理工學院電腦動畫碩士學位。曾擔任好萊塢知名視覺特效公司Rhythm and Hues Studio技術總監,參與《黃金羅盤》、《納尼亞傳奇》、《哈利波特》等電影的製作。儘管在美國事業有成,他卻選擇回到臺灣,致力於將電腦動畫技術與雕塑藝術的結合,創造出劃時代的藝術表現形式。
At the ART TAIPEI 2024, RIVER ART GALLERY will present the latest sculpture exhibition by artist Xun Wang. Curated by renowned curator Emerson Wang, the exhibition will meticulously showcase 18 sculptural works and 15 two-dimensional pieces. It not only traces Xun Wang’s creative trajectory of breaking through traditional art and integrating modern technology but also delves into the tension between technological progress and the alienation of human emotions.
Xun Wang, a Taiwanese American, was born in Taiwan in 1962. He graduated from the Department of Sculpture at the National Taiwan University of Arts in 1989 and obtained a master's degree in Computer Animation from the New York Institute of Technology in 1995. He previously served as the Technical Director at Rhythm and Hues Studio, a renowned Hollywood visual effects company, contributing to the production of films such as “The Golden Compass,” “The Chronicles of Narnia,” and “Harry Potter.” Despite his successful career in the United States, he chose to return to Taiwan, dedicating himself to combining computer animation technology with sculptural art to create groundbreaking forms of artistic expression.
This exhibition revolves around the concepts of motion, space, and visual intersection, with a core focus on the opposition between “moment and eternity.” Through multiple perspective techniques, viewers are encouraged to actively choose their viewing angles, transcending the limitations of traditional static sculpture and creating personalized visual experiences. Exhibited works such as “Hunting” embodies the pursuit of desire through exaggerated body movements, bringing dramatic and visual tension. “Blossom – Elegance” recreates a scene from a thousand years ago through classical postures, forming an emotional resonance with the viewer. “Scissor Kick” and “Soaring” further demonstrate the continuity of motion, capturing the passage of time and the subtle tension within stillness.
Like a director, Xun Wang meticulously arranges the role and form of each sculptural piece, blending his artistic creation across Eastern and Western cultures to form a visual feast that transcends time and space. Through his exploration of time, space, and form, his creations not only challenge the definition of traditional sculpture but also demonstrate the infinite possibilities of contemporary art. We cordially invite you to visit ART TAIPEI 2024 to glimpse Xun Wang's unique visual language and experience a brand-new sensation that goes beyond the visual.
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