Chen Yenping 陳硯平
陳硯平,1986年生於台灣台北,畢業於嘉義大學美術系學士班、實踐大學媒體傳達設計系碩士班。作品曾入選2017高雄獎及2017 Young Art Taipei新潮賞,2021年更榮獲110年全國美展油畫類金牌獎。他的創作呈現了外在世界與內在思緒交互作用之下所引發的衝突、未知與不安的感受,以多元性的創作技法將複合媒材塗抹、噴灑、拼貼、縫補於畫布上,連結幻覺體驗和真實物質,並將抽象情感轉為可被理解的訊息,引領觀眾走入一個幻象的世界並從中找回內心的秩序。曾與美國聲音藝術家Ryan Campos合作,由Ryan為其作品製作配樂,試圖在虛擬社群和真實世界,視覺和聽覺之間,邀請觀者進入身歷其境的完整體驗,聆聽隱藏在聲音表象背後的聲響,在畫面之中找尋曲徑通幽之美。
Chen Yenping was born in 1986 in Taipei, Taiwan. He graduated from National Chiayi University with a bachelor degree in Fine Arts and Shih Chien University with a master degree in Communications Design. He is the Gold Medal winner of 2021 National Art Exhibition under Oil Painting Category and his works was once selected by Kaohsiung Award and Young Art Award in 2017. His works present the feelings of conflicts, unknowns and uneasiness that are triggered by the interaction of outer world and inner thoughts. He uses mixed media with diverse creative techniques to smear, spray, collage, and stitch on canvas, connecting the hallucination experiences with the reflection of real world and converts the abstract emotions into understandable messages, guiding people to walk into a phantom world and to retrieve the inner order at the same time. He has ever cooperated with Ryan Campos, an American sound artist, who produces scores for his works. Between virtual community and real world, vision and hearing, he invites viewers to be wholly experienced as if virtually being there, to listen to the sound hidden beneath the surface and to find the beauty of winding path that leads to a secluded quiet place from the images.
New Classic of Mountains and Seas: Chen Yenping Solo Exhibition Mar 2 - Apr 13, 2024大河美術將舉辦陳硯平最新個展《山海今》,講述一著重於探索內心,追尋自我意識覺醒的當代寓言。《山海經》為一描繪人類在數千年前,因一場天災洪水而開啟對世界探索的傳說故事。該書傳誦至今,與許多改編一同形成一荒誕奇幻的世界。陳硯平比對故事中的奇人異獸與發生在現代之令人徬徨迷失的各種現象,將「經典」轉譯為「當今」寓言,回看不斷輪迴的歷史,而展開一場反思探索之旅。RIVER ART GALLERY is going to present Chen Yenping's latest solo exhibition, "New Classic of Mountains and Seas," which tells a contemporary allegory emphasizing the exploration of inner selves and the pursuit of self-awareness awakening. "Classic of Mountains and Seas" is a legendary tale depicting humanity's exploration of the world thousands of years ago following a catastrophic flood. The book, which has been passed down through generations, has formed a fantastical world alongside numerous adaptations. The artist juxtaposes the extraordinary beings and creatures from the story with bewildering phenomena occurring in modern times, translating the classic into a contemporary allegory, reflecting on the cyclical nature of history and embarking on a journey of reflection and exploration.Read more -
Erosion, Aura - Solo Exhibition of Chen Yenping Jun 4 - Jul 10, 2016《消蝕・迴光》個展系列作品以一次偶然探訪廢墟的經驗為主軸,探討生命的消逝與重生,並藉此重新審視了自我的生命歷程。在連結外在體驗與內在感受的過程中,他反思了生命的意義,並試圖透過創作的形式來終止時間的洪流;在個體生命不斷衰朽與消亡之際,尋覓盡頭處的迴光——那蘊藏在消逝與重生交替更迭之中的永恆存在。 The" Erosion, Aura" series of creations focuses on a fortuitous experience of visiting ruins, exploring the disappearance and rebirth of life and thus to re-examine the stages of life of the self. He reflects the meaning of life in the process of connecting external experience and internal feelings, trying to end the stream of time by the form of creation. He seeks for the aura, which is the eternal existence contained in the change of disappearance and rebirth, at the end of the tunnel among the continuous vanishing and decaying of life of the individual.Read more