Lili Lee,1993年生於韓國大邱,2019年畢業於檀國大學東亞藝術學系,其作品曾於韓國、法國以及多倫多展出,現居於南韓。創作以平面繪畫為主,鍾情於東方繪畫。藝術家在繪畫的過程中冥想,療癒自我的同時,也能幫助喚醒內在意識並產生創造力。受韓國傳統宗教——薩滿(Shaman)影響,以宗教護身符簶上的特殊視覺符號,來構築內在的心靈世界,同時將之與東方繪畫連結,並使用韓紙,融入薩滿執行儀式所用之工具上的裝飾工藝,重新解構後形成獨特的精神語彙。近期作品漸漸地轉向人類活動所體現的能量,將這些能量與各種祭壇形式聯繫起來,以更新的視覺語言推進她的作品,她的色調強調簡約、優雅,與自然和靈性世界有著深厚的聯繫。藝術家以東方視角創建一個全新的世界觀,並將藝術的本質放大,強調其作品如同護身符般,能夠保護與治癒人的心靈,而藝術家正等同於薩滿,能夠成為人們與世界溝通的橋樑,啟發自我審視的心靈治療師。
Lili Lee was born in Daegu, Korea in 1993. She received her BFA in East Asian Art at Dankook University in 2019, and has since exhibited in Korea, France, and Toronto. She currently resides in South Korea. Lee’s works mainly focus on graphic arts, with a deep passion for Eastern painting. She sees her practice as a form of meditation and self-healing, awakening the inner consciousness and fostering creativity. Inspired by traditional Korean religion “Shaman,” She she uses the unique visual symbols found on religious talisman to construct a spiritual world and connect with Eastern art. She also uses Hanji (a traditional Korean rice paper) and incorporates the decorative craftwork seen on Shaman ritual tools to reconstruct an exceptional spiritual vocabulary. Recently, Lee’s focus has gradually shifted to the energies manifested by human activities, connecting these with assorted altar forms to advance her works with a renewed visual language. The colors emphasize simplicity, elegance, and a deep connection to nature and the spiritual world. Lee creates a brand-new worldview with an Eastern perspective, enhancing the essence of art and emphasizing the talismanic properties of her work with its ability to protect and heal minds. The artist herself takes on the role of a Shaman, a mind healer connecting humans with the world around them and inspiring self-introspection.