Mai Ta,1997年生於越南,畢業於紐約視覺藝術學院,曾於美國、香港、倫敦與瑞士等地展出,目前由紐約Pablo's Birthday Gallery和倫敦的Ojiri Gallery代理,現居住與工作於越南西貢。作品以小巧且較為私密的意象為主,並使用水粉繪於木板上,描繪其內在渴望及與世界和解的方式,傳達內心的創傷、秘密和回憶,同時昇華為自己的符號。Mai Ta在感受中尋求真相,並藉由繪畫來表達之於這些感覺的尊重,對她來說,藝術是一種安全且自由表達自己的形式。
Mai Ta, born in 1997 in Vietnam, received her BFA in illustration at the School of Visual Arts in New York City. She has exhibited her works in various locations, including the United States, Hong Kong, London, and Switzerland. Currently, she is represented by Pablo's Birthday Gallery in New York City and Ojiri Gallery in London, and she resides and works in Saigon, Vietnam. Her works primarily consist of delicate and intimate imagery. She uses gouache to paint on wood boards, depicting her inner desires and her quest for reconciliation with the world. Through her art, she conveys the inner wounds, secrets, and memories within her, while also sublimates them into her own symbols. Mai Ta seeks truth within her emotions and expresses them with honor through her paintings. For her, art is a form that allows her to safely and freely express herself.