Peter Hong-Tsun Chan 陳康俊

Peter Hong-Tsun Chan 陳康俊,加拿大籍華裔,出生於香港。畢業於加拿大謝爾丹學院應用藝術學系,近期展覽包括去年於洛杉磯 Long Story Short 的個展《Opening Sequence》以及紐約同名藝廊的《Focal Point 2》;今年則參與香港 Art Intelligence Global 的《Teach Me How to Fish》、洛杉磯Harper’s 和 New Image Art則分別為《Crescent Heights》以及《Threshold》兩檔展覽。現居住和工作於多倫多。
Peter Hong-Tsun Chan was born in Hong Kong and is currently based in Toronto, Canada. Chan received his BAA from Sheridan College Institute of Technology in Toronto, Canada.
Chan’s current practice is centred on the dissection of the probabilistic concept of chance in both social and visual culture. Defined as operating outside the purview of oneself, chance and its many manifestations such as accident and luck, when incorporated into artistic processes, speak directly to questions of aesthetic and social philosophy. Through his newest work, Chan explores anew the concept of chance within the larger framework of socioculturalism.
His recent exhibitions include Opening Sequence, Long Story Short, Los Angeles (2023, solo); Teach Me How to Fish, Art Intelligence Global, Hong Kong (2024); Crescent Heights, Harper’s, Los Angeles (2024); Threshold, New Image Art, Los Angeles (2024); Focal Point 2, Long Story Short, New York (2023).