Tessar Lo,加拿大籍印尼華裔,1984年生於印尼雅加達,2007年取得謝爾丹學院應用藝術學位,現工作與生活於多倫多。作品多次於加 拿大、巴黎、阿姆斯特丹、香港、巴塞羅那、東京和美國洛杉 磯、舊金山、邁阿密、紐約、西雅圖、費城等地展出,也曾在 洛杉磯日美國家博物館、多倫多加丁納博物館、安大略美術館 等機構參展和活動,並與眾多單位合作壁畫與裝置藝術。
Tessar Lo在多元文化背景中成長,因此他的創作是一種試圖連結自己與身處這些環境經歷的持續性對話。他擅於使用各種媒材,將新舊流行文化符號拆解重組,作品多以顯眼的標記、顏色和紋理來呈現。元素多為日常平凡物件,如後院的一角、水果、童年經驗與玩具或自身文化等,來構築詼諧感性且神祕的畫面。近期創作漸趨於抽象,著重探討其內在的解構,減少作品晦澀艱深之感,用純粹的媒材與主題來跟作品進行大量的對話。
Tessar Lo is a Chinese-Indonesian Canadian artist born in Jakarta, Indonesia in 1984. He received his BAA at Sheridan College in 2007 and currently resides in Toronto. His works have previously been shown in Canada, Paris, Amsterdam, Hong Kong, Barcelona, Tokyo, Los Angeles, Francisco, Miami, New York, Seattle, and Philadelphia. He has also participated in events hosted by institutions such as the Los Angeles Japanese American National Museum, Gardiner Museum, and Art Gallery of Ontario, and collaborated with multiple organizations to create murals and installations.
Lo grew up immersed in various cultures. His practice is an ongoing dialogue seeking to bridge him and his experiences from these environments. He employs various materials and media, reassembling new and old iconography of popular culture, presenting his work with prominent marks, colors, and textures. Lo uses everyday mundane objects as elements in his works, incorporating the corner of a backyard, fruit, childhood experiences or toys, and his culture to create humorous and mysterious. His recent creations have gradually inclined towards abstraction, focusing on exploring the internal deconstruction. Removing the abstruseness of art, he uses simple mediums and themes to initiate lengthy conversations with the works.