Timothy Bair

Timothy Bair,美籍臺裔藝術家,1996年生於臺中臺灣,從2015年因身體狀態而開始使用輪椅。2019年取得紐約視覺藝術學院純藝術學士學位,並於同年榮獲甘迺迪中心新鋭藝術家卓越獎。作品曾於加拿大、紐約、新加坡與臺灣展出,近期完成了著名的Silver Arts藝術家駐留計畫,且於過去三年間擔任身心障礙顧問,協助紐約和臺灣多達25家藝廊和藝術空間轉變為無障礙空間。現工作與生活於紐約。
Timothy Bair is a Taiwanese quadriplegic artist who has exhibited internationally and most recently completed a residency at the prestigious Silver Arts artist residency. His work, in part disability activism, uses the experience of living as a disabled person as fodder for his work, interrogating ableism within the art world, and the world at large. Through his practice, Timothy unpacks preconceived notions of what it means to be a disabled person in an "able-bodied world".
And by utilizing the lyrical nature of image making, Bair translates the unique crip experience into a universal language, made accessible to anyone—disabled or not. His work is both powerful, tender and crucially important. As Timothy says: "When it is all said and done, I hope to have left a smoother path for future artists and creatives with disabilities." Aside from working in the studio, in the past three years, Timothy has also worked as a disability consultant. Having assisted and advised in transforming more than 25 art galleries and art spaces in New York and Taiwan in becoming handicap accessible.