Wei Ligang 魏立刚

Born in Datong City, Shanxi Province, China in 1964, Wei Ligang is one of the most important painters of contemporary Chinese abstract calligraphy. In his early years Wei studied traditional calligraphy, later going on to learn Japanese modernist calligraphy and Western abstract expressionism, internalizing what he learned as individual nutrients. Wei bases his works on the spirit of Chinese Eastern culture, preserving its tradition while integrating Western abstract expression techniques through continuous exploration, breakthrough, and change. Whether it is using brilliant acrylic to record the traces of ink brushes, smooth ink lines, colorful stacks of symbols, or the combination of multiple composite media, Wei evolved all of them into a series of unique, distinctive works. This includes renowned works such as Wei’s Magic Squares, Gold-Ink Cursive, and Peacock. While the external forms are complex and changeable, Wei’s works have never broken away from the spiritual essence of calligraphy nor the material laws derived from them. His works are widely collected by art institutions from around the world, including the British Museum located in London, the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco; the Museum of Fine Arts located in Boston, Buchmann Galerie located in Berlin, the National Art Museum of China located in Beijing, the Today Art Museum located in Beijing, and the He Xiangning Art Museum located in Shenzhen.