Liu Kuo-sung 劉國松
劉國松,1932年生於中國安徽,1949年來台,素有「現代水墨之父」之名 。其有感於一味追隨模仿西洋現代藝術思潮與畫風之不當,更對民族文化傳統的發展與宣揚有著強烈的責任心與使命感,故而回歸本土,重拾水墨媒材,倡導中國畫的現代化,創立「五月畫會」,發起現代藝術運動。其不僅開創了多種不同形式風格的水墨皴法和技巧,革新了東方藝術,亦將停滯五、六百年的中國繪畫推向現代而進入一個多元的世紀,深具劃時代的意義。至今,其理論已廣為海內外水墨畫家甚至史論家所接受,並形成一股潮流。1965年起,已在世界各地舉行個展達八十餘次,參加國際性聯展百餘次,並獲得多種獎項。
Born in Chinchou, Shandong, Liu Kuo-sung graduated from the National Normal University art department, and initiated the Fifth Moon Group, arduously promoting the Taiwan modern art movement. When he was twenty-seven years old, he deeply felt the importance of national characteristics and cultural traditions, he was like a man on a mission, to find for twentieth century Chiniese drawing a new tradition to be spared no effort, and gave brush ink in traditional Chinese paintings a new definition, and promoted the theory of "texture with the brush". This kind of Chinese traditional painting doesn't need a pen to be painted, although receiving criticism at the time, at present, including mainland painters, critics as well as art historians, have all accepted this idea. Liu Kuo-sung also puts to this kind of theory the implemention with, in his individual practices, innovating with the color and ink techniques for more than 30 years, creating many kinds of different forms and individual styles.
Rising Toward Mysterious Whiteness 升向白茫茫的未知, 2014
Sun and Moon: Floating? Sinking? 日月浮沉, 2014
Sun and Moon: Floating? Sinking? 日月浮沉, 2014
Formation of the Universe 宇宙的構成, 2014
Water and Cloud Share the Same Source 雲水一家, 2014
Blue Light on the Ripples 藍色光波, 2014
Wintery Mountains Covered with Snow 寒山雪霽, 2014
Roof of the World 世界屋脊, 2014
Silvery Woods Amidst Cloudy Mountains 雲樹銀枝, 2014
Sunset 霞光, 2009
Impression of Devil City in Xinjiang - Journey to Xinjiang No.1 新疆魔鬼城印象—新疆之旅之一, 2002
Dream Shadows of Changhai - Jiuzhaigou Valley Series, No.9 長海夢影:九寨溝系列之九 , 2001