Hsiao Chin 蕭勤
蕭勤,1935年生於中國上海,1949年來台。創立華人第一個抽象繪畫團體「東方畫會」,致力探索具東方意涵的抽象繪畫,為台灣藝術界之抽象藝術先鋒。長年旅居海外,足跡遍布米蘭、巴黎、紐約、倫敦等地,國際視野大開。創作旨在探討人與宇宙之間的玄學哲思,從老子思想到密宗壁畫,透過繽紛的西式顏料來表現中國繪畫新的可能性,超越極簡主義的深度,進而引發人們內心深處的共鳴。 手法上,放棄各種既定的繪畫形式與流派,探索繪畫的基本元素,開創了簡約鮮明的獨特風格。
Hsiao Chin was born in Shanghai, China in 1935. His father, Hsiao Yu-mei, was an important composer in modern music in China. Hsiao grew up in an artistic environment and his childhood remains an important influence on his work. After moving to Taiwan in 1949, Hsiao studied Fine Arts at the National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei. He also studied drawing under Chu Teh-chun. After his graduation, he learned modern art with Li Chun-shan. He then went to Spain to study but changed his mind as he was not inclined towards the conservative style practiced by the Spanish art colleges. Hsiao founded the Ton Fan Art Group in 1956, and was instrumental in bringing modern Taiwanese painting into international exhibitions. In 1959, he moved to Milan, Italy. He then traveled and worked in Paris, London and New York. Since 1966 he is the director of Graduate Institute of Plastic Arts of Tainan National College of Arts.