Takashi Murakami 村上隆

1962年出生於日本東京,1993年東京藝術大學大學院美術研究科博士後期課程修畢。村上隆作品豐富而多元,主辦藝術活動「藝祭」,設計六本木之丘的公仔,並與LV及柚子等企業合作。其主要的展覽包括:2001年「召喚或開門或回復或全滅」,東京都現代美術館,東京;2002年「Kaikai Kiki:村上隆」,卡地亞現代美術財團,巴黎。以及2007年以洛杉磯現代美術館為始,巡迴布魯克林美術館、法蘭克福現代藝術美術館、畢爾包古根漢美術館等世界美術館舉辦大規模回顧展「©MURAKAMI」。並於2010年9月在法國凡爾賽宮舉辦個展,15個房間內擺滿了村上隆的雕塑作品。
Takashi Murakami was born in Tokyo, Japan in 1962. He received his P.h.D from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music in 1993. His work is diverse and prolific; ranging from the coordination of GEISAI, collaborations with Roppongi Hills, Louis Vuitton, and Yuzu. Main solo shows: 2001 "Summon monsters? Open the door? Heal? Or die?", Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo; 2002 "Kaikai Kiki: Takashi Murakami", fondation Cartier, Paris. In 2007 he held a large-scale retrospective installation "©MURAKAMI" at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, CA; Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, NY; Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt, Germany. In September 2010, Murakami exhibited some of his works at the Palace of Versailles in France, filling 15 rooms with his sculptures.