
REACH,1981年生於台灣高雄,1995年開始踏上塗鴉之路,為孕育台灣塗鴉文化發展的重要人物,台灣塗鴉先鋒之一。創立台灣第一個塗鴉藝術家聯盟「SOUL SKOOL」,舉辦台灣第一檔塗鴉展,製造專屬塗鴉人的噴漆品牌「BOMB」。曾與眾多國際級藝術家及知名品牌合作,從早期便開始參與藝術家駐村及國際藝術節,近年也遠赴歐美與中國等海外各地舉行展覽。2008年著作《塗鴉人:轟炸台灣》一書,2010年共同創辦獨立雜誌RADIKAL,同時擔任總編輯,在年輕世代掀起一股收集潮。2014、2015年代表台灣至夏威夷參與「POW! WOW! Hawaii」大型建築塗鴉計劃,並在台舉辦「POW! WOW! Taiwan」同時擔任藝術總監,努力擴展台灣塗鴉在國際上的地位。2018年受G-SHOCK邀請合作聯名錶款,更與上海NIKE合作,將個人創作融入客製化的產品設計中,為其藝術生涯重要的里程碑。他的創作運用直覺性的色彩、簡單俐落的線條,勾勒出自由奔放的視覺語言,產生鮮明的個人風格及極高辨識性的符碼。著名的「Bear Cat」系列有著閃電眼的熊與貓,以桃紅與鮮藍為代表色。「Cat Paw」系列則以貓手為元素延伸成新風格,並接著發展出近期的「MOVEMENT」及「CATMO」系列。他以畫作展出及大型牆面繪畫為主要創作形式,近年陸續參與朱銘美術館、駁二藝術特區、忠泰藝術基金會、新光三越等塗鴉計畫,致力提高塗鴉藝術的能見度。


Dubbed as one of the most influential pioneer of Taiwan's street art movement, graffiti artist REACH, who was born in 1981 in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, began his journey since 1995. He established the first graffiti artist alliance “SOUL SKOOL” and held the first graffiti exhibition in Taiwan. Best known for his signature Pink Bear & Blue Cat, he employs his clean and clear colors with well-crafted contouring to reflect his persistence in life for perfection. Apart from being an artist, REACH continued to explore and experiment with design, photography and vast layers of media, and collaborated with many of the industry’s heavyweights. In 2008, REACH published his first publication, “TOOYA! Taiwan Graffiti”, and has continued to establish his place on the global platform. He also participated to the fullest extent in all of the extremes; whether exhibiting at galleries around the globe, painting on canvases, walls or crafting large-scale murals, he aims to raise culture awareness through his work. In 2014 Reach took parts in “POW! WOW! Hawaii” and later acted as Creative Director for “POW! WOW! Taiwan” to help push local street art culture abroad.