Angie Pai,1993年生於台灣台中,澳籍華裔。主要探究當代語境中內在與對佛教和道教哲學思考及修行。藝術家透過木刻,感受身體感覺統合的敏銳度,而耗力的過程能夠釋放身體的能量,並消除平日生活多餘的感官濾鏡。本身對「真實自我」及回歸原始、純粹的本性感到好奇,因此純色及線條圖騰式構圖為其一大特色。創作靈感多藉由與家人之間的緊密連結,以及持續地思辨東方哲學中的經文教義。期望透過作品,在身為千禧一代離散族裔身份下,學習與自我及他人和解的途徑,同時也能成為人們生命課題的解藥。
Angie Pai, a Taiwanese-Australian artist, was born in 1993 in Taichung, Taiwan. She explores the reflection and practice of Buddhist and Taoist philosophy in a contemporary context. The artist feels the acuity of the collaboration between body and mind through woodcarving. The laborious process releases physical energy and eliminates the excess sensory filters from normal life. She is curious about the concepts of “true self” and returning to one’s original, pure nature, making her unique in her use of solid colors and strokes as well as patterned composition. She was inspired by a close connection with her family and a constant speculation on the scripture of Eastern philosophy. As a millennial diaspora, the artist hopes to learn the way of reconciling with herself and others through the works which can become an antidote for the life issues of people.