Ness Lee,生於1989年,加拿大籍華裔客家人。就讀於安大略藝術與設計學院插畫設計,作品曾於安大略美術館、艾格尼絲埃瑟林頓藝術中心、加德納美術館、漢密爾頓美術館等博物館機構,以及紐約、波士頓、洛杉磯、邁阿密、蒙特利爾和多倫多等地展出,參加過加拿大、印度海得拉巴和墨西哥科蘇梅爾埲國際壁畫節,現工作與生活於多倫多。
藝術家透過歷史和其流離成長背景與文化身份,敘述肢體、語言和性相關的議題。憑藉切身體驗創造出溫柔而超現實的作品,利用插圖、繪畫、雕塑和裝置,來作為發掘與接納自我的溝通語言。探索各種於親密關係中的脆弱心理,透露出努力尋求安慰和寬恕的願望。Ness Lee的作品是一種對人類心理的研究,強調非物理形式,而是情感的共鳴和存在感,將其體感經驗融入細膩的深度,幽默的述說自我探索歷程。
Ness Lee is a Chinese-Hakka Canadian born in 1989. Studying at The Ontario College of Art and Design, she has received her Bachelor of Design in Illustration. Her work has been shown in institutions such as the Art Gallery of Ontario, the Agnes Etherington Art Centre, the Gardiner Museum, the Art Gallery of Hamilton, as well as galleries in New York, Boston, Los Angeles, Miami, Montreal and Toronto. She has also participated in international mural festivals in Canada, Hyderabad (India), and Cozumel (Mexico).
Lee draws upon personal history and narratives of her diasporic cultural upbringing and identity to her body, language and sexuality. With these embodied experiences, she creates tender and surreal illustrations, paintings, sculptures and installations as a language of self-discovery and acceptance. Exploring various states of mind during intimate stages of vulnerability, Lee’s work takes form as an effort in seeking comfort and forgiveness. Ness Lee’ work is an investigation of the human psyche, emphasizing not the physical form but the emotional resonance and presence, integrating her sensory experiences into nuanced depths and humorously narrates her journey of self-exploration.