Xinyan Zhang 張新顏

張新顏,1991年生於中國深圳,2018年取得廣州大學碩士後移居德國,就讀德國卡爾斯魯厄美術學院。作品曾於德國、中國、香港、紐約、黎巴嫩與俄羅斯等地展出,並獲得多項德國藝術獎,現居於柏林。張新顏對藝術創作保持著高度的熱情,不刻意尋找創作靈感,而是將此作為其生活的一部分。藝術家將後表現主義與媒材主題進行對話,藉由碎片化和重組來探討流行文化影響下的「人性脆弱」和「人類生存的共性狀態」,並提供了不同的狀態「受傷」意象,來影射現代人精神世界的腐朽與蒼白。婦女和兒童等弱勢族群也是她關注的焦點,Henri Matisse的線條,Pablo Picasso的解構主義和Francis Bacon的色彩,在其最近的系列中都產生了有趣的共鳴。

Xinyan Zhang, born in Shenzhen, China in 1991, moved to Germany after obtaining a master's degree from Guangzhou University in 2018. She studied at the Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe in Germany. Her works have been exhibited in Germany, China, Hong Kong, New York, Lebanon, Russia, and other locations. She has received multiple art awards in Germany and currently resides in Berlin. Xinyan Zhang maintains a strong passion for artistic creation and does not actively seek inspiration; rather, she integrates it as a part of her life. The artist engages in a dialogue between post-expressionism and themes of media. Through fragmentation and mixed techniques, she explores the "fragility of human nature" and the "shared state of human existence" under the influence of popular culture. Her works offer various "injured" imagery, symbolizing the decay and pallor of the modern human's spiritual world. Vulnerable groups like women and children are also a focal point of her attention. The lines of Henri Matisse, the deconstructionism of Pablo Picasso, and the colors of Francis Bacon have all resonated interestingly in her recent series.
