Julia Hung 洪郁雯

洪郁雯,1986年生於臺北,自小旅居各國,受多元文化薰陶的背景,融入在她的身份和藝術中。藝術家擁有加拿大OCAD大學的插畫系學士學位和瑞士HEAD–Genève的當代藝術家實作碩士學位,2017年成為「New Heads – 法國巴黎銀行基金會藝術獎」的決賽入圍者,並於2024年成為「亞洲文化協會 (ACC) 紐約獎助計畫」的受獎者,其展覽作品亦被瑞士知名藝廊Artvera’s與金車文教基金會等單位收藏,並曾於歐洲及加拿大參展,也多次於臺灣舉辦個展。現工作與生活於臺灣,近年更被譽為備受矚目的亞洲新秀。
Julia Hung, born in Taipei in 1986, has been exposed to diverse cultures from a young age due to her international upbringing, which has become integral to both her identity and her art. Holding a Bachelor of Design degree in Illustration from OCAD University in Canada and an MFA degree in Contemporary Art Practice from HEAD ‒ Genève in Switzerland, Hung emerged as a finalist for the "New Heads ‒ Foundation BNP Paribas Art Award" in 2017 and was awarded the "Asian Cultural Council (ACC) New York Fellowship Program" in 2024. Her works have been collected by Artvera's gallery and King Car Cultural & Educational Foundation. She has exhibited in Europe and Canada, as well as held multiple solo exhibitions in Taiwan. She currently resides and works in Taiwan, and has gained recognition as a rising talent in Asia in recent years.
Julia Hung's creative mindset transcends boundaries, seeking to explore artistic creation beyond conventions and cultural barriers. She skillfully integrates traditional techniques with various mediums to craft her own microcosm. Like water, her works effortlessly evolve while surpassing boundaries and forms, all the while retaining their inherent essence. This unique fluidity reflects her diverse perspective and embraces the profound Taoist philosophy of mutual generation and interchange.