Devon Pryce

Devon Pryce,1996年生於加拿大,2019年從OCAD大學獲學士學位。作品曾於加拿大、美國、英國與臺灣等地展出,並收藏於Collection Majudia與RBC Art Collection等機構。現生活與創作於多倫多。
Devon Pryce was born in Canada in 1996. He holds a BFA in Drawing and Painting from OCAD University. His works have been exhibited in Canada, the US, England, and Taiwan, and are part of collections at institutions such as Collection Majudia and RBC Art Collection. Currently, he lives and works in Toronto.
Devon’s work incorporates painting and drawing, and is inspired by the language of cinema. His work primarily explores issues of anxiety, introspection, and various aspects of displacement. The artist's creations involve experimental depictions of characters, and explore human emotions, the interplay between self and surroundings, and spaces and objects with complex identities. Through his creations, he expresses his exploration of life and expands the concept of portraiture by depicting harmony among various framing, movement, textiles, and architecture. Devon uses a thin application technique, allowing his paintings to have an atmospheric and watery quality. His depictions of bodies often exist in a state of peaceful discord, grounded in, yet subtly at odds with their environment. The narrative subject matter exists in a balanced space between fabrication and reality.