Shingo Yamazaki

Shingo Yamazaki,1985年生於夏威夷檀香山,同時為一名韓裔與日裔。2014年從夏威夷大學馬諾阿分校獲繪畫藝術學士學位,作品除了曾入圍Hopper Prize外,也於洛杉磯、波士頓等地之藝廊,例如:Sow & Tailor展出過。目前居住和工作在洛杉磯。
Shingo Yamazaki作品探討了文化混合、身份認同和「家」的意義的複雜性。他的作品捕捉了夏威夷文化的細微差異和圖像,以及他自己作為一名混血的韓裔和日裔美國人的背景。藝術家將他的故事與日常生活中的熟悉主題交織在一起,並將家的概念轉化為集體身份的容器,邀請觀眾參與這些日常存在的對話。他的圖像具有模糊性,物件在多個情境中穿梭,促使觀眾解開隱藏在平凡場景中的未說故事,並追溯彼此複雜身份的連結。這些物件和居住者之間的視覺張力反映了人類對選擇性記憶、創傷和歷史的抗拒的普遍潛意識的掙扎,讓觀眾懸置於記憶和遺忘之間,個人和集體記憶不斷變化的樣貌。藝術家試圖引起人們對於塑造自我的種種碎片進行質疑,體驗將過去、現在和心理空間聯繫在一起的灰色地帶。
Shingo Yamazaki, born in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi, in 1985, is of both Korean and Japanese descent. He received a Bachelor’s of Arts focused on Painting from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa in 2014. His work has been a finalist for the Hopper Prize and has been exhibited at galleries in Los Angeles, Boston, and elsewhere, including Sow & Tailor. He is currently based in Los Angeles.
Shingo Yamazaki’s work captures the subtle nuances and imagery of Hawaiʻi’s culture, alongside his background as a mixed Korean and Japanese American. The artist intertwines his narrative with familiar themes from everyday life, transforming the concept of home into a vessel for collective identity, inviting viewers to engage in these dialogues of everyday existence. His images possess ambiguity, as objects traverse multiple contexts, prompting viewers to unravel untold stories hidden within ordinary scenes and trace the interconnectedness of their complex identities. The visual tensions between these objects and inhabitants reflect a universal subconscious struggle with selective memory, trauma, and historical resistance, leaving viewers suspended between memory and forgetfulness amid the ever-evolving landscape of personal and collective memory. The artist aims to provoke viewers into questioning the myriad fragments that shape their sense of self, experiencing the grey areas that link past, present, and psychological space together.