Linda Wallis

Linda Wallis 生於 1968 年,是一位來自英國諾丁漢的藝術家。主要的創作媒材為彩色鉛筆,獨特的怪誕氛圍是其作品一大特色,繪畫風格則在合理與荒謬之間游移。2017 年為其創作的關鍵轉折點,透過重新詮釋生活中的形式結構和質感等,專注於無意識的具現,創造出一系列古怪而詼諧的視覺語言。作品曾於西班牙、美國、英國、澳洲、德國等地展出。目前生活與工作於英國。

Linda Wallis, born in 1968, is an artist based in Nottingham, UK. Her distinctive work, primarily created using colored pencils, is characterized by a bizarre atmosphere, with a style that oscillates between the plausible and the absurd. A pivotal moment in her career came in 2017 when she shifted her focus to exploring the manifestations of her unconscious through a reinterpretation of the structural forms and textures of everyday life, resulting in a series of eccentric and humorous visual languages. Her work has been exhibited in Spain, the United States, the UK, Australia, and Germany. She currently lives and works in the UK.
During the creative process, the artist strives to suppress any conscious thought, allowing her innate imagination and creativity to flow freely through spontaneous and unconscious representation. This method suggests a connection between the subconscious and the hand, using the fleeting thoughts that arise in critical moments as the starting point for her work. The elements in her pieces are rich and diverse, featuring both realistic objects and abstract scenarios. Through layered colors, she ultimately evokes a humorous yet subtle sense of déjà vu when the viewer's imagination overlaps with the visual.