ART TAINAN 2024 台南藝術博覽會

Mar 14 - 17, 2024 
大河美術將參展《ART TAINAN 2024 台南藝術博覽會》,帶來7位藝術家的精采創作,包含深受喜愛的海外華人藝術家、風格典雅溫厚的當代中國及越南藝術家、於今年3月首度個展的臺灣藝術家,以及備受矚目、即將於年底舉辦個展的獨家代理雕塑家王尋,期盼與臺灣不同地區的藏家互動,拓展視野,推動國際交流。誠摯邀請您一同參與這場年度藝術盛會!
RIVER ART GALLERY will be participating in "ART TAINAN 2024," showcasing the outstanding works of seven artists. The lineup includes beloved overseas Chinese artists, contemporary Chinese and Vietnamese artists with a refined and elegant style, a Taiwanese artist who held his first solo exhibition in March this year, and the exclusive representative sculptor Xun Wang, who is set to hold a solo exhibition at the end of the year. We look forward to engaging with art enthusiasts from various regions of Taiwan, expanding perspectives, and promoting international exchange. We sincerely invite you to join us in this annual art extravaganza!


參展藝術家 Participating Artists
Lili Lee
Ray Han 韓哲睿
Tessar Lo
Timothy Bair
Wei Zhao 趙唯
Xun Wang 王尋


☞ 展覽地點 Venue
展間 Room 707


☞ 展覽地址 Address
No. 1, Heyi Rd, West Central District, Tainan City, Taiwan


☞ 貴賓預展 VIP Preview
3/14 (四 Thur) 15:00-19:00


☞ 公眾展期 Public Days
3/15 (五 Fri) 12:00-19:00
3/16 (六 Sat) 12:00-19:00
3/17 (日 Sun) 12:00-18:00


大會官網 Official Website