
■ 展期 Duration|2023 / 2 / 10 – 3 / 3
■ 地點 Venue     |大河美術 RIVER ART GALLERY

■ 參展藝術家 Participating Artists|Angie Pai, Chiu Yi-Chen 邱奕辰, Lili Lee, Tessar Lo, Timothy Bair, Xun Wang 王尋, Yang Bo-Yao 楊博堯, Yi-Shuan Lee 李奕諠




The artworks itself is a re-story or a re-enactment of the focused theme. Re-story possesses a strong narrative where the “story” is rather the life itself than just the daily motions; and the “self” creating process contains a certain humanistic meaning. With various unique styles, artists metaphorically depict all kinds of contemporary phenomena and the process of searching oneself. In such a life course, it is necessary to derive from the body's memory to reach the balance of inner order and then slowly form the life trajectory.
“The Metaphors of Restorying” brings together eight artists whose seemingly different expressions conceal many coincidental metaphors, from the narrative of childhood memories, to the reflection of self-value and generational culture, and even the understanding of life and the environment. With the reinterpretation of the artwork, it is like to drape a tapestry of a very different narrative, speaking about contemporary issues that you and I may face.
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