繁栄の極みか或いは猖獗の極みか—西岡良太個展: The Highest Prosperity or Extremity of Rage: Ryota Nishioka Solo Exhibition

Apr 20 - Jun 1, 2024

■ 展期 Duration|2024 / 4 / 20 - 6 / 1
■ 開幕 Opening|2024 / 4 / 20 (Sat) 3 PM
■ 地點 Venue |大河美術 RIVER ART GALLERY



RIVER ART GALLERY is going to present the latest solo exhibition "The Highest Prosperity or Extremity of Rage" by Japanese artist Ryota Nishioka, following his previous solo exhibition " Craving for Insatiable Consumptive Behavior." Departing from a humanistic perspective and incorporating elements of the industrialized world, this show features vibrant yet eerie depictions of colossal architectural and urban landscapes, forming a dark allegory that is both mesmerizing and spine-chilling to immerse oneself in. The whimsical atmosphere evoked by fairy tales accompanies the undeniable, albeit concealed dialogues among the various elements in the scene, revealing the ongoing struggle between civilization and the environment that has long been underway.
In the face of explosive population growth leading to intensified competition for land and resources in the future, humanity may find itself compelled to expand its sphere of activity in directions previously unimaginable. Throughout history, there have been numerous documented ambitions and determinations for expanding activity scopes. Regardless of the environmental conditions, such attitudes and behaviors can potentially pose threats to the natural environment. When Confronted with such a world, Ryota Nishioka continuously poses the question to viewers through his artwork: "Should we regard ourselves and our society as reaching the pinnacle of prosperity? Or should we feel outraged by such behavior?"
Society is not static but in a constant state of flux, and Ryota Nishioka uses a perspective akin to an aerial view of architectural structures to address fundamental issues regarding the relationship between humanity and nature, prompting discussions on values, ethics, sustainability, and responsibility towards future generations. Through a series of meticulously crafted yet incisive artworks, the artist meticulously yet succinctly describes and presents future societal issues. The exhibition begins with industrial mechanical jungles symbolizing technological progress and prosperity. However, as the exhibition unfolds, enigmatic mechanical behemoths and majestic architectural waterfalls ring the alarm bells within people's hearts, hinting at the various impacts of human activities on the Earth's ecosystems. Will these stories, which are driving the extremization of the Earth's ecosystems, culminate in the anticipated final chapter? At the end of the exhibition, a pure white and flexible space is provided for imaginative exploration, leaving the answers to be determined by the viewers.
As the title "The Highest Prosperity or Extremity of Rage" clearly indicates the opposing forces at play, it is a profound exploration of the relationship between humanity and nature, environmental conservation and civilization's progress. We are currently at the pinnacle of human history, enjoying endless prosperity, yet the rage felt towards the extreme weakening of the Earth's ecosystems may not only be the result of conscious individuals but also the Earth itself, bearing years of scars and wounds. We invite you to join us in this unique realm of contemplation, immersing yourselves in the fantastical realm crafted by Ryota Nishioka, to reconsider the relationship between humanity and the world it has created.
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