VOLUME: Mr.Bambii Solo Exhibition

Apr 20 - Jun 1, 2024

■ 展期 Duration|2024 / 4 / 20 - 6 / 1
■ 開幕 Opening|2024 / 4 / 20 (Sat) 3 PM
■ 地點 Venue     |大河美術 RIVER ART GALLERY


大河美術將舉辦越南華裔藝術家 Mr.Bambii 首次個展《VOLUME》,在輕柔的觸碰之間,展開這場心靈之旅。本展集結藝術家經典蠟雕系列作品,反映其藝術創作的生涯階段。Mr.Bambii 早期為詩人,後將文字作為載體,開始進行表演藝術。經常與其他不同領域的藝術家,如聲樂家、音樂家、當代舞者等合作,創作多場互動性高的表演,將詩的寓意與人類之於自然關係中的暗流用不同物種的注視捕捉觀點,緩緩呈現。
本次展出作品主要以雕塑的方式來描繪詩的豐富情感意象,感性且敏銳地喚起並引發觀者深思,透過主要媒介「蠟」以及「黏土」微妙地調和,將一首詩理想地保存並傳世於後,亦在視覺上充分地體現詩歌裡的風景。對 Mr.Bambii 來說,蠟燭融化至凝固的過程不單純是物理化學現象,而是一個從自我解構、相遇、成長、重組並包容的生命過程,提升了柔的靈活和剛的特性,是大自然給予的智慧。每一個生命的長成都是如此地獨特,如同自己與生俱來的藝術本能與性傾向,都是相當自然且不可被剝奪的。
展題《VOLUME》常見的釋義除了日常生活較為熟悉的「音量」外,也具備「書、集」的涵義。準確地說,是有著「具備明確體積之存儲空間」的意思,與藝術家作品的樣貌、文字作為乘載元素以及個個飽含溫情在內的特質不謀而合。展覽從一開始的詩歌系列啟程,詩的意蘊與其生活理念相融於蠟中,像一本本的書,有著無窮盡的人生哲學等著大家去探索。Mr.Bambii 纖細的情緒完整地體現於每一個作品,並透過此與人們建立深刻地聯繫,傳達了如何適當地用柔和的方式面對日子,以及用心對待事物時會產生的各種可能性。不僅同時結合了大自然的互動與充滿詩意的生命體悟,更呈現出藝術家獨一無二的自我,實踐了物我合一的哲理。
RIVER ART GALLERY is going to present the first solo exhibition "VOLUME" by Chinese-Vietnamese artist Mr.Bambii. Within the gentle touch, a journey of the soul unfolds. The exhibition gathers the artist's classic wax sculpture series, reflecting the stages of his artistic career. Mr.Bambii, initially as a poet, but later used written words as a medium for performing arts. He frequently collaborates with artists from different fields such as vocalists, musicians, contemporary dancers, creating highly interactive performances. These shows subtly explore the relationship between the symbolism of poetry and the undercurrents in human-nature connections, capturing perspectives through the gaze of different species.
The exhibited works primarily depict the rich emotional imagery of poetry through sculpture, evoking and provoking deep contemplation in a sensitive and perceptive manner. By delicately blending the primary medium of wax and clay, a poem is ideally preserved and passed down through generations, visually embodying the landscapes within poetry. For him, the process of wax melting to solidification transcends physical-chemical phenomena; it symbolizes a life journey involving self-deconstruction, encounters, growth, recombination, and inclusivity, enhancing both the softness of flexibility and the strength of rigidity—a wisdom bestowed by nature. Each life's development is uniquely profound, much like inherent artistic instinct and sexual orientation that cannot be deprived.
The title "VOLUME" holds various interpretations, including the familiar "volume" in daily life, as well as the meanings of "book" or "collection." Specifically, it implies "a defined storage space with capacity," aligning perfectly with the appearance of the artist's works, the use of text as carrier elements, and the inherent warmth of each piece. The exhibition embarks from the poetry series at the beginning, where the essence of poetry intertwines with his life philosophy in wax, resembling books waiting to be explored, containing endless life philosophies. Mr.Bambii's delicate emotions are fully expressed in each piece, establishing profound connections with viewers, conveying how to face life appropriately with gentleness and the various possibilities that arise from treating things with care. His wax sculptures not only blend interactions with nature and poetic life realizations but also authentically present the artist's distinctive self, embodying the philosophy of the unity of self and the world.
Finally, through the colorless yet colorful manner, the depth of objects is magnified, akin to bringing the tranquility of the forest or the gentle touch of sunlight through the foliage to the skin, softly yet resolutely inviting viewers into a beautiful daydream, opening windows to eternal joy. Whether the story is being told or has already been completed, symbolic short stories, unique to each individual, are about to be presented to those visiting the exhibition, immersing them in the gentle enchantment woven by time, encountering their true selves.
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