
Aug 3 - Sep 1, 2024

■ 展期 Duration   |2024 / 8 / 3 - 9 / 1
■ 開幕 Opening   | 8 / 3 (Sat)  4 - 7 PM
■ 座談 Artist Talk | 8 / 3 (Sat)  3 - 4 PM
■ 地點 Venue        | Courtyard HIROO
■ 地址 Address    | 4 Chome-21-2 Nishiazabu, Minato City, Tokyo, Japan

■ 展出藝術家 Exhibiting Artists | Devon Pryce, Elías Peña Salvador, Luke Van H, Peter Hong-Tsun Chan 陳康俊, Ray Han 韓哲睿, Shingo Yamazaki, Timothy Bair, Wang Guan Jhen 王冠蓁, Yi-Shuan Lee 李奕諠, Yu-An Chen 陳于安



大河美術將舉辦群展《Wallflower》,邀請到 10 位海內外藝術家,包含 Devon Pryce、Elías Peña Salvador、Luke Van H、Peter Hong-Tsun Chan、Shingo Yamazaki、Timothy Bair、王冠蓁、李奕諠、陳于安以及韓哲睿。除了在臺灣展出外,也同時於日本進行為期一個月的同名快閃聯展,由東京場率先揭開序幕,訴說著當代藝術面臨未來 50 年的走向,對於這段終會被記載於歷史洪流之中的日子,將如何在亞洲地區鳴出響亮的宣言!
「Wallflower」有著多重含意,除了常見的「壁花」外,也用來形容一個群體中較為內向的人。然而這樣的人卻也同時從團體中脫穎而出,並且通常擁有比一般人更強的洞察力。回看西方藝術史,抽象表現在 20 世紀主導了西方藝術市場與眾人的目光,進入新世紀以後,具象藝術開始復甦,參展藝術家們將在這個「抽象潮流」依舊盛行的時代,用自己的方式向世界宣告其不從眾的原因。透過多元的風格,聚焦於與個人相關的親密物件或場景,鮮明地展現出他們的創作正在訴說的並非故事,而是此時此刻正在發生並真實存在一切,就如同「Wallflower」這個詞表面上的模樣,既真切又超越表象的純粹。邀請觀眾一同來到現場,一窺白牆上盛開的視覺語彙!
RIVER ART GALLERY will hold the group show “Wallflower,” featuring 10 artists from around the world, including Devon Pryce, Elías Peña Salvador, Luke Van H, Peter Hong-Tsun Chan, Ray Han, Shingo Yamazaki, Timothy Bair, Wang Guan-Jhen, Yi-Shuan Lee and Yu-An Chen. In addition to its presentation in Taiwan, the show will also be held in Japan for a month-long pop-up, beginning in Tokyo. It explores the trajectory of contemporary art over the next 50 years, aiming to make a bold statement in Asia that will be remembered in the annals of history.
“Wallflower” carries multiple meanings. In addition to its common usage, it also refers to someone who is shy or introverted in a social setting. However, such individuals often stand out with greater insight than the average person. Reflecting on Western art history, the abstract expressionism dominated the 20th-century Western art scene. As we enter the new century, figurative art is experiencing a resurgence. In an era where the “abstract trend” still prevails, the participating artists will proclaim to the world their unique reasons for not conforming, each in their own distinctive manner. Through diverse style, they focus more on personal, intimate objects or scenes, vividly conveying that their creations are not merely stories but real and present moments. Just like the word “Wallflower” suggests on the surface, it embodies both genuine authenticity and a deeper purity beyond appearances. The audience is invited to the show to witness the blossoming visual languages on the white walls.
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